Help. The script stopped working


New Member
Jun 18, 2021
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Help. The script stopped working. Who can fix it?

await Delay(Random(2500,3000));
await WaitForLoading();
var page, scrl, random_keyword;
var clicks = Random(13,25);
var max_page = Random(3,5);
var myDomain = "";
var keywords = [
"auto traffic exchange",
"traffic exchange system",
"traffic exchange",
"automated traffic exchange"
if ( await EvaluateScript("!! document.querySelector('input.gLFyf.gsfi')") ) {
await ClickByXpath(GenerateXpath("input", "type", "text"));
} else if ( await EvaluateScript("!! document.querySelector('input.gLFyf')") ) {
await ClickByXpath(GenerateXpath("input", "type", "search"));
} else {
await Delay(Random(2500,3000));
random_keyword = Math.floor(Math.random() * keywords.length);
await Typing (keywords[random_keyword], 300, 500);
await Delay(Random(500,1000));
await Typing ("\r\n");
await Delay(Random(2500,3000));
await WaitForLoading();
page = 1;
do {
do { //scroll
scrl = Random(3,9);
for (var i = 1; i < scrl; i++) {
await EvaluateScript("var ddE = document.documentElement; ddE.scrollTo(0, ddE.clientHeight/(Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+9) + ddE.scrollTop);");
await Delay(Random(100,150));
await Delay (Random(1000,1500));
} while (await EvaluateScript("var ddE = document.documentElement; ddE.clientHeight+ddE.scrollTop < ddE.scrollHeight"))
myTargetXpath = GenerateXpath("a", "href", "%" + myDomain + "%");
foundLink = await GetAttribute(myTargetXpath, "href");
if ( foundLink ) {
await ClickByXpath(myTargetXpath);
else if (page < max_page) {
if ( await EvaluateScript("!! document.getElementById('pnnext')") ) {
await ClickById("pnnext");
} else if (await EvaluateScript("!! document.querySelector('span.RVQdVd')")) {
await ClickByXpath(GenerateXpath("span", "class", "RVQdVd"));
} else {
await Delay(Random(2500,3000));
await WaitForLoading();
else {
await EvaluateScript("'https://" + myDomain + "','_self')");
page = page+1;
} while (page <= max_page)
do {
await Delay(Random(2500,3000));
await WaitForLoading();
do { //scroll
scrl = Random(3,9);
for (var i = 1; i < scrl; i++) {
await EvaluateScript("var ddE = document.documentElement; ddE.scrollTo(0, ddE.clientHeight/(Math.floor(Math.random()*3)+9) + ddE.scrollTop);");
await Delay(Random(100,150));
await Delay (Random(1000,1500));
} while (await EvaluateScript("var ddE = document.documentElement; ddE.clientHeight+ddE.scrollTop < ddE.scrollHeight"))
await Delay(Random(5000,7000));
await ClickRandomInternalLink(true);
} while (--clicks)
await Delay(Random(5000,7000));
await WaitForLoading();

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