im Speaking with ppl who Buying trought Payeer Webmoney Btc Ltc Dog ...
i see a lot of people here trying to buy point of 9hits
yes it is Good But from Who ?
We need Authorized sellers ..
Please select an appropriate member
To get this Badge UnderYourName (Authorized sellers)
At least You need to sent ur information information To the Admin
ID and Picture Of youu
We are not in a forest. we here on forum wich had rules must Followed
To avoid any fraud
We really need strict laws
i see a lot of people here trying to buy point of 9hits
yes it is Good But from Who ?
We need Authorized sellers ..
Please select an appropriate member
To get this Badge UnderYourName (Authorized sellers)
At least You need to sent ur information information To the Admin
ID and Picture Of youu
We are not in a forest. we here on forum wich had rules must Followed
To avoid any fraud
We really need strict laws